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4 Terrifying Plumbing Problems for Halloween


Fall is here and with it brings many things. The leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and Halloween is just around the corner. From carving pumpkins to planning your Halloween costume, there’s a lot to look forward to during “spooky season.”

However, autumn is also a time of year when you notice potential plumbing problems bubbling and brewing like a witch’s cauldron. Summer can be taxing to a home’s water heater and plumbing system and now’s when problems can sneak up on you like a ghostly apparition. From a water heater that sounds like it’s haunted, to a spine-tingling cold shower, let’s go over 4 terrifying plumbing problems you may encounter this fall.

1. Great Big Gobs of Greasy, Grimy Pumpkin Guts

Carving pumpkins is high on the list of favorite fall activities. Whether you choose to carve a scary or a silly face on your Jack O’Lantern, there’s one thing you definitely should never do: don’t put those pumpkin guts down the garbage disposal! 

If you compost, all those innards can go in the compost bin. If not, then they should go in the garbage. Your garbage disposal won’t be able to tackle the sticky, starchy mess and the pumpkin seeds. 

2. Double, Double, Your Toilet’s in Trouble

There’s nothing that’ll interfere with your enjoyment of Halloween than a backed-up or slow-leaking toilet. That’s because you’re potentially facing a health hazard if the toilet and waste overflow into your bathroom. If you’ve tried a plunger with superpower strength and it’s still not budging, it’s time to have one of our plumbers come save the day by fixing your troublesome toilet.

3. The Tale of the Spine-Tingling Cold Shower

Here’s a story that’s guaranteed to invoke terror in all who hear it. You’re enjoying a wonderfully hot shower on a chilly autumn morning when suddenly, the water turns freezing cold, leaving you chilled to the bone! 

If you find yourself in this nightmare scenario, don’t despair. There could be something as simple as a broken showerhead mixer valve. It could also be a mineral buildup either in the showerhead itself or in your water heater. Sediment can also build up over the heating element and disrupt the hot water levels. Either one is an easy fix for a professional plumber.

4. The Case of the Haunted Water Heater

Your home’s water heater is something that you shouldn’t ever hear. So when it starts making scary sounds, you immediately know something’s not right. In fact, some of the noises it’ll make can be downright terrifying.

Screeching, hissing, banging, hammering, and gurgling noises are ones you don’t want to ever hear from your water heater. Never fear, while it may seem like your water heater is haunted, it’s likely related to a mineral buildup. Give our team a call and we’ll come and exorcise the demon from your water heater and restore its quiet functionality.

If you’re experiencing a plumbing nightmare this Halloween season, give us a call. Our team is just a phone call away.

Contact HM Plumbing today for plumbing repairs in Marietta, GA. Serving with Integrity.

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