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Serving Metro Atlanta Since 2007

Serving Metro Atlanta Since 2007


A Guide to Old Pipe Materials We Recommend You Replace


Residential plumbing in Smyrna often contains piping material that is long out of date. While these materials may have once been standard in construction, advancements in technology and safety standards have rendered them obsolete and potentially hazardous. 

At HM Plumbing, we prioritize the safety and efficiency of your plumbing system. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the old pipe materials commonly found in homes and why we recommend replacing them.

Cast Iron Pipes

Cast iron pipes were commonly used in plumbing systems before the 1970s. While durable and long-lasting, they are prone to corrosion and rust over time. This can lead to leaks, blockages, and ultimately, a compromised plumbing system. Additionally, cast iron pipes are heavy and can be difficult to work with during repairs or replacements.

Recommendation: We recommend replacing cast iron pipes with modern, corrosion-resistant materials such as CPVC or PEX. Partial or whole-house repiping may be necessary depending on the extent of the corrosion and damage.

Galvanized Steel Pipes

Galvanized steel pipes were once a popular choice for plumbing due to their strength and durability. However, they are susceptible to corrosion and rust, especially on the interior where water flow can cause mineral deposits to build up over time. This can result in reduced water pressure, discolored water, and leaks.

Recommendation: If your home still has galvanized steel pipes, we strongly recommend replacing them with materials such as copper or PEX. Partial or whole-house repiping may be necessary to ensure the integrity of your plumbing system.

Lead Pipes

Lead pipes were commonly used for plumbing until the late 20th century when the health risks associated with lead exposure became well-known. Lead pipes can leach lead into the water supply, posing serious health risks, especially for young children and pregnant women.

Recommendation: If your home has lead pipes, it is crucial to replace them immediately. We recommend whole-house repiping with lead-free materials such as copper or PEX to ensure the safety of your drinking water.

Polybutylene Pipes

Polybutylene pipes were widely used in residential plumbing systems from the 1970s to the mid-1990s due to their low cost and easy installation. However, they are prone to deterioration when exposed to chlorine in municipal water supplies, leading to brittle pipes and potential leaks.

Recommendation: If your home has polybutylene pipes, it is important to replace them as soon as possible to prevent costly water damage. We recommend repiping with more durable plastics such as PEX or CPVC.

If your plumbing system contains any of the outdated materials mentioned above, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our experienced plumbers to assess the condition of your pipes and discuss options for replacement. Investing in modern, high-quality piping materials will not only improve the reliability of your plumbing system but also ensure the health and safety of your family for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about our repiping services and schedule an appointment.

Contact HM Plumbing today for an appointment to assess the plumbing materials in your home. Serving with Integrity.

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